Local SEO
Local Search and Google My Business Optimisation.
What is Local SEO?
The majority of businesses we speak to want to dominate their respective markets and simply be the best. This normally comes with an expectation of the following keyword structure [main keyword] + [major metro/country]. The reasoning is that the more traffic you can put yourself in front of, the more likelihood you are going to get inquiries or sales. This is actually fully sound and logical,
What if we told you having a billboard in the busiest part of town where only 1% of 10,000 drivers care about your advertisement is sometimes not as good as having your billboard in the suburbs with 40% of 500 people actually interested in what you have to say? Change out the billboard analogy and think Page 1 SEO as well as google maps listings and we've got the same scenario!
Our mentality around Local SEO is similar to that of a drop in the ocean. It may start small but you can be sure it'll ripple. Add in things such as location and reviews and all of a sudden you are a big contender.
Is Local SEO right for my business?
While local SEO cannot boast the big traffic numbers that metropolitan or national campaigns can, it definitely packs a punch in the right industries. Below are some industries that Local SEO is recommended for:
Dentists | Electrical | Real Estate | Developers | Dog Walkers | Health & Fitness |
Local SEO can also be a sub-strategy for major metropolitan and even sometimes national based campaigns. Think of Local SEO as a building block and highly geo-targeted solution that can either be used as a standalone methodology or contributor to a higher level strategy.
Not everyone can target statewide or nationwide due to business factors such as travel distance or resource based logistics meaning that for some setups, Local SEO is a great way of making the right noise in the right places at the right time. Local SEO compared to its siblings is designed to help you dominate from home base so that you can grow comfortably within your operating means.
Why Google Maps Optimisation
This is simple. More and more people are searching with their phones, in fact over 50% of all searches done online are done with a phone. Google recognises user habits and locations which means they are tailoring search results according to the user. It is more important than ever to stand out and get in front of the people that matter.
Kings of Search love a challenge of any size. There's just something about finding the right strategy and seeing it come to fruition that gets us into high spirits and drives us to not just be another player in the market but a trusted advisor to our clients. KOS understands that not every business has the budget of a medieval monarch so we'll always work to help you maximise your resources into some return on investment to be proud of.
At KOS, we love a good underdog story (who doesn't?) so while we can build National campaigns and help big businesses hit their quarterly targets so that the boards are happy, we're also in the business of helping small to medium businesses who may be just starting out or just simply have a great idea that needs nurturing.
One of our core ideologies at KOS is that there is always a solution and while we aren't three-wish genie's who will make your dreams happen overnight, you can rely on us to be malleable, learn and help you improve every step of the way. Think of us as the Sam to your Frodo!

So what are you waiting for?
SEO like time waits for nobody. Every hour, day and month you let pass, gives the exact same amount of time for your competitors to either catch up or overtake you.
We don't want to waste your time with sub-par proposals and tacky presentations. We're here to make our mark in the industry as professionals and we want to work with like-minded and driven business people like yourself.
Have a great idea? Let's chat 0417 175 332
Need enquiries and willing to do the hard yards? info@kingsofsearch.com.au
Want to drop lingo-talk and just get down to business? Pick up the phone!
Working with an agency that just gets it? Kings of Search.
Drop us a line today.